Self Love

June 13, 2016

Self Love

*** Weekly Wisdom ***
Self Love
Mark 12:31
Love thy neighbor as yourself…. It seems like such a simple command. But, a lot of us get stuck on the first half of that phrase “…as yourself”. You can attempt to have the best relationships in the world. But, they will never work until you love yourself. Some people mistake being self centered as loving themselves…but it’s the opposite. It would be like driving a car on the road and only paying attention to your own car. You will soon crash into something or someone and disrupt the entire transportation process in the meantime. Value yourself. Take the time to better yourself, better your thoughts, and better your choices. Once you spend time on truly increasing the value of YOU…you will then be in the position and mindset to add value to every person that you run across. This is the true meaning of Love Thy Neighbor as yourself. It always starts with you.
**Stay Blessed