How High

September 25, 2015


Proverbs 2:20

How High?

Did you ever wonder why it’s so hard to make the better choices that we all should make? It’s like, we know exactly what we should or need to do. But, distractions come, and it never gets done. A lot of this can be summed up by one word…”association”.

There is a popular saying that states, “You are the average sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”. That means, if your closest friends/family/or associates are broke, you will be soon. If they are sick, your health will decline sooner or later. If they are always single…well, you get the message. It brings to mind the criminal law code of being an accessory to a crime. You don’t even have to commit the crime.
You “can” be sitting in the car, and end up being charged with robbery. Most of us are aware of this law and try to stay clear of those situations. Yet, we put our lives, happiness and health in harms way everyday by spending way too much time with the wrong people…just because…and without thinking. It brings to thought…If birds of a feather flock together…how high are you?