Are you up?

September 25, 2015


1 Thessalonians 5:1-12

Are you up?

The bible speaks a lot in terms of light and darkness. It is used for many different types of analogies. But, today’s analogy is in regard to knowledge and understanding.

The light is clarity. The light is truth. Most of us are choosing to walk through life in the dark…just, by not choosing at all and letting life dictate our happiness or struggle. Darkness is confusion, insecurities, and a lack of confidence. This will tend to occur when we don’t live life on purpose. We will feel like it is better to not know, than to find out for sure.
Contrary to popular belief…ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is heartache, sickness, and poverty. What you don’t know WILL hurt and affect you. In this information age, there is no excuse to not know something. If we pretend like nothing is wrong and hope that things turn out right, is not faith. It is considered neglect. What we do know about neglecting something, is that it will die.